Like the night before, I am in a strange haunted world that is dark and rife with danger, darkness and ghoulish drama. This time, I was in a medieval world with the appropriate cold dank estates, odd chambers with interesting back century gadgets, candles and books– everywhere. Statues, and questionable characters offer me side glances as I pass by. I am fascinated. I think, “things have not changed since times of old, except they are more aesthetic and crude in this time of being.”
My body seems to know where it's going. In this place, I glow with light in the body of a Celtic woman. Long auburn hair and very fair skin. A celebration ensues and merrier people are awaiting me. One woman, my sister, in a different body, a different time and place, adorns my hands with a kind of henna that is not middle-eastern but of what was of a strange northern European tradition that I had not known of before this dream. Gold and bright color paints were used on my hands and wrists. My nails were stained with paint and my ceremonial dress was of a persimmon orange-chiffon like texture–this was my event garment. Stunning.
When I looked at my hand art, I noticed that messages were appearing and disappearing on them. I showed a male companion whose face was not clear to me. He agreed that it was indeed true that the paint was magic and changing before our eyes. I thought I even saw a coat of arms signifying a certain kingdom. It disappeared before we could fully decipher, but I knew this was my destiny.
Next we entered a castle. There were many guests and all were assigned chambers, except for me. I wandered the halls with both curiosity and familiarity. Not long after, a commotion stirred within this place. My companion was a teen-aged boy (it felt like my grandson Haden)– both a magical and vulnerable being. He locks himself in a room and says in a stilted way through the door, “I smell a beast approaching.” My feet could feel a vibration and I knew it was true. I move away from the door so as not to attract attention to it and decided to be the decoy for my companion and ran through the halls.
The chase began, and upon turning to look back, I see a wolf man disguised as a sultan, complete with white garb, turban and saber. His red waist sash made him easy to spot and he chased me through the various parlors as i threw chairs and objects at him. At some point I was far from my companion's door and I decided not to run anymore. I let myself be caught in an empty bedroom chamber. There, I was face to face with the sultan wolf man.

Cornered against the wall, the wolf man had a lust to kill me but also to humiliate me. He held the saber to my neck. Close up, he became quite hideous looking, his breath incorrigible and his clothing seemed to be tattered and not so elegant as they first appeared. He grinned with ugly teeth and said, “ You will be devoured, or you will lay with me…. choose!”
Knowing it was the Dreamtime, I thought his request was stupid since I was immortal and could take my vengeance at any time. I opted to lay with him just to humor him. His servant appeared and guarded the door; stared dutifully into empty space (another wolf creature, no doubt). My garments were now a satin green gown, tattered from running and snagging it. I could see my flowing auburn hair had covered my body as I disrobed. I am perfect and beautiful and for certain he would pay the price later, it was just a matter of tolerance for now! Not a challenge for me to deal with this, my thought was to just hurry up and endure this role-play. I noticed near the bed I occupied that a neighboring bed had a lump of a body completely covered with sheets. I knew it was an ally hiding and protecting me in some way.
Just as the sultan wolf man was to take his prize, a strange lightening appeared in the chamber. A deity and its entourage manifested. A huge masked character, perhaps 10 feet tall, thin with Egyptian-looking yoke jewelry and a mask of what looks like a condor brought me awe. Two servants flank the deity's left and right – dressed in matching Egyptian armor of gold and black. The masks of all three of them appeared to be bird-like. This royal human reminded me of a condor or vulture mixed being. It instantly killed the wolf man with a mere pointing of its scepter. Not a word was said. The sultan slumped as if all his bones were disintegrated and all that was left was the baggage of his skin.
I thought, to myself, “Well, that all worked out!” I was grateful to not have soiled myself to protect my companion. I awakened.
*In Ancient Egypt, the vulture hieroglyph was the uniliteral sign used for the glottal sound (/ɑː/). The Bible makes a reference to the Egyptian Vulture under the Hebrew name of rachamah/racham which has been translated into English as “gier-eagle”.[17][74] The bird was held sacred to Isis in the ancient Egyptian religion. The use of the vulture as a symbol of royalty in Egyptian culture and their protection by Pharaonic law made the species common on the streets of Egypt and gave rise to the name “Pharaoh's Chicken”.[75][76][77][78] SEE WIKIPEDIA
Religious beliefs:
Vulture Diety: “Nekhbet” was usually represented as a vulture, either standing in profile view, holding her wings out in front of her in a protective gesture; or with her wings fully outstretched, with her head and legs in profile. As a vulture, she is very often depicted on ceilings of temples and royal tombs, or in one of the top corners of a ritual scene on a temple wall.
She can also be shown as a woman with the head of a vulture, or she can take full human form. Through her close association with the cobra goddess Uto, she may also be represented as a snake or as a vulture with the head of a snake.
“Nekhbet "usually wears a variant of the White Crown of Upper Egypt, which is decorated with two feathers. In human form, or at least with a human body, she may hold a heraldic staff that symbolizes Upper Egypt.