Dream of the Passed Ones
In the Dreamtime I saw the map to get to my recently passed relatives. I was in the usual white space, that in the dreamtime, I know as "outer space." It makes no difference, it is the same as infinite "inner space." I saw chaos like an exploded puzzle piece of everything I know, that has been known, by anyone, anywhere, at any time. It was Glorious.
How I knew its navigation, was amazing. "I am so blessed", I thought. A marvelous infinite world with incredible vast parts. There floating in the infinite space was the swirling taxi cab of my cousin Olimpo, who had passed in the summer of 2015...grab it! The information at hand was that I only had dreaming energy to travel a certain "time" before the scene would change so I had to make a decision: "Should I visit my cousin Olimpo who just recently passed or his father who passed a couple of years before (my uncle)?" My uncle Tony was in a dimension so complex I could not visit both. Olimpo was readily available, but my Uncle Tony was deep in the matrix already transforming. It was a difficult and hasty choice but I chose to visit my Uncle Tony.
There were only three tries...terrible! Was this baseball? Getting to my Uncle was difficult, but if I chose the taxi spinning in chaos, it was a guarantee to get straight to him at the sacrifice of seeing my cousin Olimpo.
There I was, borrowing Olimpo's taxi to find my Uncle Tony. I felt an urgency to speak to him, to tell him it all went well and the shift ensues, so not to worry.
Upon arriving to the matrix, a woman with "perfect eyes" saw that I took the taxi and wanted to connect. I could see I was offending her but we did not know each other well. Like Olimpo, I would have to catch up later; compensate later. Zooming along in the taxi, I find my Uncle Tony among a living circuit board in the Matrix. Lots of circuitry and layers of it! My God, it was good to see him! We embraced. I spoke quickly, but was cut off and had to redo the scenario. The second time was also spent searching and finding and we exchanged a bit more. The Matrix is vastly complex. The third time, I was able to find it faster with a bit more time to spare. I said, "Dear Uncle, all went well, Olimpo was brilliant and took it all with great pain and great advancement. You are so far now that you cannot see it, but I tell you that our tribe of great Teachers are amazing. Move on, be well, find us! Find us in the Dreamtime. I love you!" I passed on the human scent memory of Olimpo to my Uncle like a code tonic. Very odd. I was genuinely thrilled to see him and be the catalyst of our family mission.
Meanwhile, I went back to the offended woman with "perfect eyes." I had time to spare, on my third try, and told her that she indeed was acknowledged and loved. Like a bizarre game against time I completed the fulfilling of unresolved answers. I was happy I made good all communications in the time allotted.
All things are eventually seen in the Universe.This became the thought that jolted me awake.
I awakened at 4:00 am.
Peace and love, dlw
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